This program is for computers and it can be
used in many ways, for example working individually, in pairs or in the whole class
through an interactive whiteboard. I work with grades 2 and 3 and in my school
we have a lot of computers but I think that it is important to let the learners
work together to frame the communication. Just working on your own will not
develop the learning.
The contents in the software Little Bridge correspond
well to the Swedish curriculum for grades 1-6.
The learners are familiar with the themes of the game such as everyday
situations. For each theme activities
that exercise a specific vocabulary and by
repeating and consolidating the
students can gradually build
up their vocabulary. The spoken English in the program is clear and
there is a lot of different ways to practice communication and linguistic
A classroom license gives access to additional
materials as a teacher´s guide with lesson suggestions, learner’s books and copy
masters. On the Little Bridge global community teachers are able to download
these resources and to share ideas. On this community the learners also can
extend their social network. The schools can be registered and then they can
link to each other so that the learners can be connected around the world.
In the software Little Bridge there is a music
machine and the teacher can use that function to sing karaoke together in the
whole class. The songs are adapted for the vocabulary which the learners have
practiced in the exercises. Little Bridge also includes a special part for
practice which is suitable to solve in the class an interactive whiteboard. For
example Kim´s game there you first see the whole picture and then have to
identify which object that was removed.
The software has 3D graphics
that are realistic and the characters are animated. From personal experience, I know that the learners appreciate the interactive exercises. It is good if the
learners get motivated but it is also important to be attentive to the learners
so that the use of the program not only will become a fun game. They also have
to learn. That is, the learners can not only play by themselves. As a teacher I
have to be present and communicate with the learners about what they are doing
in the game.
I especially appreciate an
exercise in this software that requires the learners to get clues from the
character in the game to find a missing person. They walk around the streets in
the city and when they meet a person they can stop and listen to what the
person says. For example the person can tell them that Harry is in the
playground. The learners can go there and have a look or ask a new person for
more clues. When my learners did this exercise in pairs there were a lot of
discussions and I noticed that they also went back to a character to hear the
clues one more time.
Little Bridge is not just a computer game for fun. This
program has an educational structure with varied tasks that
are clearly outlined in the guide. Activities which are largely about communication. It is even possible to have dialogues
using a microphone. Moreover it is interesting that Little Bridge has a
connection to the common European framework (A1 and A2).
Helena Sjöberg, 1EN06U