Friday, 13 September 2013

I am one of those "old school" teachers that struggle a bit with this new way of thinking. What is wrong with rostrum teaching, discipline and proper books? I came to the conclusion.. Nothing! If you combine it with practical tasks and now a Days one of my favourite... The IPad! I work in Groups where some of the pupils got special needs. It can be everything from autism to a worried soul. The IPad helps both me and my pupils to reach our goals. Many students got a good Visual Learning but have trouble with the audio channel. With the right app the students get both audio and Visual Learning. I've noticed that all my students have stepped up their game since we got the I pads Also we got apps that helps the Children to pattern letters in early age for a better hand Writing.

The best thing is that you can use it in all subjects with the same good results and that it is easier to motivate the students.

Usually I get the apps from "". That is a very good site! Try it!



  1. Its good that you have found a way to work with children with special needs. The app that you mention that help children get a better handwriting, whats the name of it?

  2. There are plenty of them! But one that I use is called "ABC-trace". You can get this one at Itunes store and the price is 15 Sek.

  3. I am a struggler as well. I do not feel comfortable with computers or any other technology because i do not reaaly have the interest. But I do really realise that it helps lots of children and especially the ones who is having trouble to concentrate or difficulties forming letters. So I keep learning step by step.

  4. Thanks Camilla, I will check it out!

  5. I love working with ipads, especially in English. I have found many great apps that helps the pupils in learning. I have noticed that they learn a lot of words in a fun way. There are also many apps that can train them i speaking English.
