Sunday 6 October 2013

Polar Fish Interactive fiction in English

I have students who need some extra challenges that they can work with individual. I got tips on this stuff and have been tested on lektion,se. I think it seems fun and challenging.  It is great that you can choose the difficulty and number of exercises that you want to do.
I will give a description.
Polar Fish interactive is beautifylly illustrated books from the best selling youth author. It contains a lot of exercises, quizzes and games. There are books and exercises from grade 5 to 9. Books and exercises to suit everyone regardless of skill level. The approach and contents match Lgr 11.
 How to get started. The first thing to do is to purchase a subscription. You will receive a license key so you can register yourself and a group of students. Students are invited through a link and registers. Now students can start working a book. Select the book you want to start reading. They recommend to start with "before you read exercises" to prepare you for the questions that come during the reading and to get pre-understanding. This may be discussion questions about the story´s theme or to practice words.
Linked to each chapter is also "when reading exercises". It is simple reading comprehension questions, exercises that increase vocabulary and playful exercises that get students to look deeper at the story. There is also an execise with an illustrated story, to show the story in a different way.
At the end of each book there are "after reading exercises". They explores the characters more depth.
There are suggestions for role play and screenplay for film shoots. You can also interact with others who read the books. It does so by Polar Fish´s forum world connect.
You can do all or none of that, it is part of the flexibility Polar Fish teachers have worked hard to get to work in the classroom, according to Polar Fish.
As a teacher you can follow the students through the LMS system, Learning Managment System.
Study groups are private areas where teachers can follow students´ individual performance, their results and how far they have come, by visiting their profile page.
Regular price is 48 SEK/student for a year. Subscriptions expires in a year.
Try out material on or visit
Monica Andersson, on 6 october

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of working interactive with reading where students get some pre-understanding before reading, and after reading exercises. It feels like a great concept though the books and exercises are in several levels to challenge the students.It was useful to know that a licens is not for free without you buy a licens to pupils for a year at a time.
    This material can be used to let students communicate and discuss the material interactively, over Skype for example, it´s exciting!
    I think that's good then students develop skills in reading, writing, and reading comprehension plus speaking and listening.It should be interesting to know which abilities in Lgr11 the authors want students to focus on when they use Polar Fish Interactive fiction in English.
